
  Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas   Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía   Excelencia Severo Ochoa   HR Excellence in Research PySnacks 6: pyFIT3D/pyPipe3D: Resolved Properties of Stellar Populations and Ionized Gas with Galaxy IFS Data

The present course focuses on explaining the functionality of the pyFIT3D routine package and the pyPipe3D pipeline, and their practical use in deriving spatially resolved properties of stellar populations (using the population synthesis method) and ionized gas in galaxies observed through integral field spectroscopy. This applies to both large surveys (e.g., CALIFA, MaNGA) and individual observations (WEAVE, MUSE). The course is predominantly practical, primarily aimed at young researchers and students with basic knowledge of the subject. A computer with Linux/Unix/Mac or similar operating system, with Python3 installed, is required, and preferably, the following package should be installed in advance:

This course is organized by Rubén Garcia Benito and it will be taught by Sebastián Sánchez (UNAM). 


Date: 5th to 6th of March 2024
URL: English for Academic Purposes

Within the  Severo Ochoa Training Initiative of the IAA-CSIC we are offering the 2024 edition of "English for Academic Purposes", imparted by Ms. Marie Waltie of the University of Leipzig. The workshop will be in-person. Key aspects of the use of English for academic purposes will be highlighted and correct usage encouraged. Participants will comprehensively expand their competence in the academic use of English. The course will cover the following topics: 

• Common Errors in Academic English
• Writing up Results and Methods in English
• Pronunciation Practice in English
• Academic Discussions in English
• Presenting your Academic Project in English

Fundamental knowledge of the English language as well as high motivation of the participants is a requirement because the course will be interactive. We can accommodate up to 30 participants. In case of over-subscription, we will give preference to students and young postdocs and/or may lead selection interviews. If you are interested in participating, please register before 31 January 2024 indicating whether you are interested in an INDIVIDUAL session of 20-25 min.

Date: 19th to 23rd of February 2024
URL: Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation

The IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation will be held in Granada, from Monday, November 27th, to Friday, December 1st, 2023. It is directed at researchers of all levels who have a special interest in star formation.  This school will include an overview of basic concepts, but aims to go beyond textbook knowledge by providing insight into the current frontiers of research and will have a strongly interactive aspect with ample room for questions and discussions. Lectures will be short 'flash lectures’, no longer than 30 min, followed by questions and discussions. The participants will contribute to  shaping the concluding discussions at the end of each day.​

The interaction among and between participants and tutors - to get to know each other’s research and perhaps even find ideas for common work - will be an important aspect of this school.

The number of participants will be limited to 60 in person. Remote participation will be possible, but is not encouraged, because the school will be highly interactive

Date: 27th of November to 1st of December 2023
URL: Severo Ochoa Basics of Neural Networks 2023

Deep learning (DL) is a family of techniques widely used in multiple fields with excellent results. Unfortunately, due to its steep learning curve, its use is not as extended as desirable. Several domain-specific libraries have been developed to facilitate the use of these DL models with modest success. For the widespread adoption of these techniques, researchers should be able to design and use their own DL models. Image classification is one of the main problems in astrophysics. The de facto standard to tackle this problem is Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), a concrete deep learning architecture. A good knowledge of this technique is essential for its proper application by researchers. These three sessions have been designed with a goal in mind: to gain confidence in using CNNs for image classification tasks. The tutor of this school is Dr Francisco Eduardo Sanchez Karhunen (Universidad de Sevilla).

Date: 16th to 17th of November 2023
Place: On line

ASTROALIGN is a python module that can serve to align two astronomical images. It determines the solution  by finding similar 3-point asterisms (triangles) in both images and estimating the affine transformation between them. ASTROALIGN is particularly useful when there is no WCS information available or when the images to be aligned have been taken at different wavelengths and initial “by eye” alignment is very challenging. In this 1h workshop I will impart  a brief  introduction into the capabilities of ASTROALIGN and how to use it.

This course will be taught by Rainer Schödel. 

Date: 14th November 2023
URL: Near-Infrared Interferometry

This event is a discussion session on applications of near-infrared (NIR) interferometry. It will be given by Maria Koutoulaki.

Maria Koutoulaki is an expert in near-infrared (NIR) interferometry and her main research interests are in star formation and protoplanetary disks. We think it may be interesting for the IAA community, especially for PhD students, to learn more about this type of observations and see if one could apply it to their own projects.

We therefore invite you to this informal session on the 2nd of October at 10:00 at the sala polivalente next to the kitchen. The session should last about 1h. We encourage the students to attend and ask lots of questions!


The main topics will be:

1) What is near-infrared interferometry?

2) What are the facilities out there?

3) Young Stellar Objects as seen through the eye of VLTI?

4) What can I do with it?

5) Discussion

Date: 2nd October 2023
URL: PySnacks 4: SHERLOCK: A python pipeline to explore space-based observations in the search for planets
Place: On line

SHERLOCK is an  end-to-end public pipeline that allows the users to explore the data from space-based missions such as TESS and Kepler/K2 to search for planetary candidates. It can be used to recover alerted candidates by the automatic pipelines such as the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) and the Quick Look Pipeline (QLP), the so-called Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) and TESS objects of interest (TOIs), and to search for candidates that remain unnoticed due to detection thresholds, lack of data exploration or poor photometric quality. To this end, SHERLOCK has six different modules to (1) acquire and prepare the light curves from their online repositories, (2) search for planetary candidates, (3) vet the interesting signals, (4) perform a statistical validation, (5) model the signals to refine their ephemerides, and (6) compute the observational windows from ground-based observatories to trigger a follow-up campaign. SHERLOCK is being used in the SPECULOOS and FATE projects and can be applied to all kinds of similar projects with ease.

This course is being organized by Cristina Rodríguez and Fran Pozuelos and it will be taught by Fran Pozuelos (IAA-CSIC). 

The workshop will be performed as follows: 

1) General presentation of SHERLOCK. Introduction about the motivation to develop this pipeline and its capabilities compared to others and some projects that use it. (~0.5h) 

2) The SHERLOCK workflow. Explanation about all the steps performed by SHERLOCK and how to vet the results to identify a detected signal as a potential planet. (~1.5h) 

3) Examples. In a hands-on session, examples of a SHERLOCK execution will be given. (~1h)

Date: 21st June 2023
URL: IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa SKA Open Science School

SKA will be a world-leading facility and as such it aims to follow and lead best practices in scientific integrity such as those promoted by the Open Science movement. The concept of Open Science facilitates reproducibility of scientific studies by making data and methods more accessible, understandable and reusable. Furthermore, Open Science contributes to democratising information and to reducing inequalities in the access to infrastructures, hence impacting areas related to some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Open Science is rooted in SKA’s foundational principles and the reproducibility of SKA science data products is one of the Observatory metrics for scientific success. The SKA Regional Center Network (SRCNet) will play a key role enabling big scientific collaborations and it will provide the framework to implement SKA Open Science policies. The school will provide a general overview of different aspects of Open Science and how it is connected to collaborative and sharing practices that are encouraged by the SKA Observatory. This school brings an opportunity to anyone from the astronomy and the SRCNet community to have a complete and detailed view of Open Science policies, tools, as well as the ongoing activities related to Open Science at the SKAO and the SRCNet. International experts will provide a detailed and updated view on each of the school topics, and lectures as well as tutorials and hands-on sessions will facilitate our understanding from a practical point of view, encouraging questions and discussion.​​

Date: 8th to 10th of May 2023